Multimodal Therapy for children and adolescents

The following article describes in which way multimodal therapy for children and adolescents is practised in the ‚Sozialpsychiatrie-Praxis‘.

The treatment begins with a medical first interview, in which the patient,  should appear with both parents. The doctor’s initial assessment and planning of further diagnostic and therapeutic steps and the detailed explanation of the treatment process are the basis for further action.

The diagnostic phase includes the exploration, standardized tests,  a physical examination and an interdisciplinary discussion.

Performance tests, A testpsychological  mood and anxiety examination and projective tests are essential findings. The diagnostic sessions also serve to build a therapeutic relationship of trust and first therapeutic techniques can be applied. If there occurs a more intensive need of medical intervention additional psychiatric appointments can be fixed. After finishing diagnostics an evaluation session with the patient and parents takes place where we explain the results in detail and if  there exists an indication for therapy we give a treatment recommendation and propose a individually adapted multimodal treatment plan.


The therapeutic range of this multimodal therapy center includes sophisticated problem-specific group-therapy, art therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, concentration training, behavioral therapy, individual psychotherapy sessions, family therapeutic interventions, education and partnership counseling and neurophysiological exercise treatments. The therapies in this medical entity can be complemented by prescription of external occupational therapy or speech therapy. The connection of the various modules and methods in a common therapy setting allows an individual adjustment of the therapeutic approach to the needs of the development of the disorder of the patient.

The aim of our multidisciplinary work is to strengthen the socio-emotional skills of patients by building a stable therapeutic bond offer in order to enable them to adjust internal and external conflicts sustainably better.

To achieve an effective therapeutic connection it is useful to carry out in practice over several years at least once a month for an appointment.

Modifications of the typical Multimodal Therapy for children and adolescents can be agreed individually at the basis of privat payment according to GOÄ (german law for physicians facturing). Send a contact email to us if you want more information about how patients from international places abroad Germany may benefit of this treatment.


Medical psychotherapy for children and adolescents

What is multimodal child therapy?

Modules of multimodal therapy for children

Effectiveness factors of multimodal therapy children

Art in child and adolescent psychotherapy

Treatment Registration Form